Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Speak Grace, Speak Mercy....Speak Healing...

Dr Michael Heng and Mr Chong Thau Tshin

On behalf of my siblings, myself and husband William, thanking God, for you, Dr Michael Heng, has make my dad to look good and smile.
Is it necessary that one should not enjoy longivity because of loss of memory ? Have we suffered much because my loving dad's memory is short ? Have the people around us given us much encouragement ? I'm loss for words because I'm taught to be blameless, when I'm running out of merciful words, I spend my time in quiet devotion and Praising the Lord. I gather strength to go and help my dad; I can only testify that the Beautitude guides me through my walk with God at time like this.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What is Longivity?...O God Be Exalted Above The Heavens

Centre: Mr Chong Thau Tshin(Single)

Those days when you own such a car you're really a rich person. That is my dad before he marries my mother.

My daddy worked as a Bus Driver, and later promoted to a Station Master. Those days Drivers and the Bus Conductors had smart uniform. As a little girl I've always been proud of my dad and more so the conductors that followed my dad, they knew I'm his daughter and won't collect fares from me. :)(I believed my sibblings got the same experience. Let them speak for themselves.)

Standing: Nicholas, George, Lilly, Clara, Michael
Sitting: Mummy holding little Alex, Daddy
Family Photo 1969
My youngest brother Alex born in year 1966, I was 12 years old then, He was the new born baby that mummy brought home, I remember the joy in my heart when I held him, boy oh boy how I love him and took care of him....He was a bundle of love and joy.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jesus Loves Even Me

Standing: George, Nicholas,Michael, Clara, Lilly

Sitting: Mum and Dad

Family Photo 1965

The bible says that being born into poverty is not a sin. A few preachers said that when one is born, one is a winner. So I kept these in my heart and often wonder how can this be ?...when I was small, I have so much lack.

There was a time in my childhood, me and sibblings wandering around in Kampong Sembulan Baru, because both my parents got to work to find food on the table. God sent an Evangelist Kong Luk Ku to us, to this day I never forgot her, she taught us 'Jesus loves Even Me', this hymns was taught in mandarin, but I'm destined to learn English, because my mother brought me into a Convent School and those days English is the language taught. I learnt English from Kindergarten to Secondary level.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Someone Interested to buy my Piano

Albert Tsen playing a piece

Lilly with the Technic Organ

Learning music is like chasing after the rainbow. More so when I tried to raise my sons to love music. Being boys both my sons have a preference to playing badminton than piano. The search as to what is best to give them landed me with many piano, digital keyboard, and technic organ.

After using the weinbach piano for 19 years I got really attached to the piano. So much of life attachment to the piece of piano, a means to an end. I just couldn't just sell it. How I wish to keep it and someone can take care of it when I'm away, tune it every year and play it often to brighten the day. My consolation after the piano is sold, I still have this technic organ.

After much thinking, finally someone with 2 very young children learning piano but don't have it at home to practice, therefore the mother is searching for I only need to wait for her to bring me the cash and it's all hers to once again, build up their life and another phase for this beautiful piano.

The word for the moment is wait....!