Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What is Longivity?...O God Be Exalted Above The Heavens

Centre: Mr Chong Thau Tshin(Single)

Those days when you own such a car you're really a rich person. That is my dad before he marries my mother.

My daddy worked as a Bus Driver, and later promoted to a Station Master. Those days Drivers and the Bus Conductors had smart uniform. As a little girl I've always been proud of my dad and more so the conductors that followed my dad, they knew I'm his daughter and won't collect fares from me. :)(I believed my sibblings got the same experience. Let them speak for themselves.)

Standing: Nicholas, George, Lilly, Clara, Michael
Sitting: Mummy holding little Alex, Daddy
Family Photo 1969
My youngest brother Alex born in year 1966, I was 12 years old then, He was the new born baby that mummy brought home, I remember the joy in my heart when I held him, boy oh boy how I love him and took care of him....He was a bundle of love and joy.

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